Nugster, at 7 months 3 weeks old. |
He has been read to since he was born. Everyday.
He smiles at his
He once stole a french fry.
He consumes blueberries, mango, and milk at an amazing rate.
He enjoys long walks in fresh air, chasing footballs, crawling, and bouncing.
He believes everything can be fixed with a smile and giggle.
He loves his family (including Mommy, Daddy, Bacala, his grandparents, godparents, all honorary "Aunties & Uncles,") and Pink Doggie.
He can't wait to learn baby sign, play sports, and get a passport.
Nugster's Mommy:
Nugster's Mommy, and a smiling Nugster |
She has been a teacher, ABA therapist, vocational coach, educational travel leader, graduate student, gymnast, dancer, rock climbing instructor, runner (of distances great and small), interventionist and author.
She practices cloth diapering, babyfood making, baby sign, baby carrying, and handstands. (Not at the same time.)
She prefers her lemonade VERY sour, her produce organic and her chocolate dark.
She knows a lot about children's literature, Gifted/Talented education, autism spectrum disorders, literacy, special needs, gluten-free living, developmental psychology, educational measure, and kinestesiology.
She adores intellectual conversation, an all consuming book, and decent wine.
She spends a lot of time on Amazon, Picasa, and massaging her IT band.
She loves Nugster, Nugster's daddy, and everyone who shares in their joy.
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