Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Being a mommy

Introducing Nugster.  He's baby Silas, our baby Nugget, born January 14, 2012 at 11:04 A.M. 7 lbs, 1 oz, 19.5 in. PERFECT baby.  

Baby Nugster at 2 days old
Why Nugster?  We established early on that everything Silas does is so ... Nuggety.  He holds quite a few nicknames relating to his Nuggetness.  Milk Nugget, Butt Nug, Baby Nug, Rageful Nug, Sleepy Nugget.  He's an easygoing, sturdy, flirtatious, gleeful, adventurous little Nug, as proven over his first 7 months.

I write this as the Nug is rousing from a nap. There are plenty of things I could be doing, but as I enter my 8th month as a mommy, I've learned to let things be.  Live in the moment.  Grab a few more snuggles from the Nug, and just relax.  Yep, there are piles of dishes in the sink, Thank You notes to write, and tufts of dog fur on the floor.  It's all part of being a mommy.  (Yes Dad, those Thank You notes will get done...I promise.)

It's hard to believe how fast the time has flown by.  Starting a blog has been on my mind for awhile now...with our family and friends spread around the country (and world), and with the Nug growing up so fast, I lit the fire and here we are.  Here's hoping I keep up with this!
Baby Nugster at 7 months+

Please enjoy The Adventures of Nugster!

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